
As a pediatrician, I get many rewards for doing my job. My favorite is all the fun 'thank you' gifts I get! One day, a very special mom gave me a jar of Waxelene. Now, keep in mind that I wash my hands between 20 and 30 times each day and I have been doing that for more than 20 years! I wash my hands before I examine a patient, sometimes during an exam and definitely after I examine a patient. During the winter months, I wash my hands even more due to sick kids and more patients to see. OUCH---my hands are a mess! They crack and bleed. They itch and hurt. I have tried every product out there….some are too oily, some burn as they soak in, some get absorbed and don’t make a difference. Waxelene is different. It is non-greasy, it stays on and keeps my hands from drying out. It feels so nice and it smells fabulous! I now have a jar of Waxelene on my desk at my office, in my car and at home. My pediatric colleagues have jars of Waxelene on their desks. Many of my patients now use Waxelene for diaper rashes or skin rashes like eczema. It is the best moisturizer I have ever used! Thank you special mom for giving me this jar of Waxelene! It is now what I recommend for dry skin issues! --Jill Airola, MD FAAP

ー 小児科医として働いていますが、ある日知り合いのお母さまからワクセリンをいただきました。私は1日20~30回手を洗うことを20年以上行い、手がすっかり酷い乾燥したダメージのある手になってしまいました。ワクセリンは他の石油製品と違い、油っぽくなく、しっかりと肌に浸透し、ダメージのある手にとてもいい!オフィスのデスク、車、自宅などに置き愛用しています。患者さんの多くは今ではおむつかぶれた湿疹にも使用する程です。

I use Waxelene on my lips, hands and granddaughters bottom. --Allen Cooper MD, Professor Emeritus Stanford University.

ー 私はリップと手、孫娘のお尻にも使っています。

2017/09/07 商品リニューアルにつき商品の販売を中止致します。
2013/11/08 ワクセリン公式サイトがオープンしました。
2013/11/01 ワクセリンの販売を開始いたしました。